Empowering the Future: A Message to the Youth

BodhRaj Lamsal
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Empowering the Future: A Message to the Youth

By Bodh Raj Lamsal
23 June 2016

As we stand in the middle of 2016, the world continues to change rapidly, and the role of today’s youth is more critical than ever before. Young people are at the forefront of shaping the future — the leaders, innovators, and change-makers who hold the potential to transform societies and redefine success in ways that matter. Yet, with all the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead, how can the youth of today harness their potential effectively?

Having navigated both personal and professional challenges myself, I want to share some reflections and advice that I hope will resonate with today’s youth, as they chart their course for the future.

1. Lifelong Learning: The Key to Future Success

In a world where change is constant, the ability to continuously learn and adapt is the most valuable skill. Today’s youth must embrace the mindset of lifelong learning. Whether it’s learning a new skill, developing a new habit, or staying informed about global trends, continuous growth is essential.

As I reflect on my journey, starting in the IT sector and then transitioning into hospitality, I realize that each new skill, challenge, and lesson helped me progress. The world doesn’t wait for anyone, and the more adaptable and curious you are, the more prepared you’ll be for future opportunities and challenges.

2. Purpose Over Popularity

One of the most important questions you can ask yourself is: What do I want to contribute to the world? It’s easy to get caught up in the pursuit of fame, money, or temporary satisfaction, but finding your purpose will provide clarity and direction. Align your goals and actions with a deeper purpose that not only benefits you but also creates value for others.

In my own career, I found my purpose in hospitality — serving others and creating memorable experiences. This has been my guiding force, helping me stay focused through successes and setbacks alike. It’s vital for young people to take time to reflect and discover what truly drives them.

3. Embracing Challenges with Resilience

Challenges are a part of life, and failure is often the best teacher. Many young people fear failure or rejection, but it’s important to understand that resilience is what separates success from stagnation. Every setback is an opportunity to learn and grow.

In my career, I’ve faced numerous obstacles, but those experiences have shaped who I am today. Whether it’s economic downturns, industry challenges, or personal struggles, resilience is what will keep you moving forward.

4. Harnessing Technology and Innovation

The youth of today have an incredible advantage — technology. The digital revolution is reshaping industries, economies, and societies. From the rise of social media to the transformative power of artificial intelligence, the tools available to young people today are unprecedented.

As of 2016, technological innovation is opening up new possibilities across sectors. I encourage the youth to leverage these advancements not just for entertainment, but to solve pressing problems, create businesses, and connect with others globally. Technology is the key to unlocking a future where your ideas can reach millions of people.

5. The Power of Giving Back

While it’s essential to focus on your personal growth, giving back to your community is equally important. A meaningful life isn’t just about individual success — it’s about how you contribute to the well-being of others. By participating in community service, supporting social causes, or mentoring younger generations, you create a ripple effect that benefits society as a whole.

Throughout my own journey, I’ve always believed in the power of collective action. Whether through my involvement in organizations like Lions Club or other community initiatives, I’ve seen how supporting others helps build stronger, more resilient communities.

6. Curiosity and Humility: Pillars of Growth

Stay curious. The world is full of opportunities waiting to be explored. Curiosity drives innovation, creativity, and a desire to explore new ideas. However, humility is just as important. No matter how much success you achieve, staying grounded and acknowledging that there’s always more to learn will keep you growing and evolving.

7. Taking Ownership of Your Future

Finally, the most important message I can give to today’s youth is to take responsibility for your own future. While the world around you may present challenges, your future is ultimately shaped by the decisions you make today. Don’t wait for change to happen to you — take charge, be proactive, and make bold moves toward your dreams.

As we look to the future from June 2016, the opportunities ahead are vast. The world needs young leaders, innovators, and creators who are driven not just by personal success, but by the desire to make a meaningful difference. It’s time for the youth to rise to this challenge, embrace the journey, and create a future that reflects their highest aspirations.

The future is yours to shape. Go make it extraordinary.

Bodh Raj Lamsal
General Manager, Hospitality Industry
23 June 2016

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