My 50 Dreams: A Journey of Fulfillment and Self-Discovery

BodhRaj Lamsal
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 My 50 Dreams: A Journey of Fulfillment and Self-Discovery

When I was 18, I made a list of 50 dreams I wanted to achieve in my lifetime. My first dream was to become self-dependent, and my 50th was to own a house. By the age of 36, I had accomplished them all. But once I reached the summit of those goals, I was left wondering: What’s next?

After achieving all my material goals, I began searching for a deeper purpose. I realized that life is fleeting—we are here for only 1,008 months. Everything we accumulate, no matter how significant, is temporary. The house I thought was mine will one day belong to my children, and eventually, to others. Life itself is impermanent—not just our possessions, but our relationships, and even the essence of who we are.

This insight shifted my perspective. Instead of overthinking life, I decided to live it fully. Life is about embracing its ups and downs, accepting that it cannot always be understood. I realized that what truly matters is continuous karma—doing the work we are meant to do without being attached to the outcome.

I also came to understand that religion and spirituality are two distinct things. Religion often divides, while spirituality unites. Spirituality transcends beliefs and brings people together, reminding us of our shared humanity.

But my journey didn’t stop there. Recently, I added two new dreams to my life’s path:

  1. Hospitality – My passion for serving people led me to the hospitality industry, where I now work with Landmark Hotels and Resorts as the Group General Manager. I view hospitality as a way to make people feel valued, cared for, and at home, no matter where they are.
  2. Club Sixty – I want to understand the life cycle of aging, particularly for those aged 60 and above. Through Club Sixty, I hope to serve this group by creating an environment where they can find purpose, joy, and companionship. This is a crucial time in life, often filled with reflection and wisdom, but it also requires attention, care, and connection.

In addition to these dreams, I’ve come to realize that I am, and will always be, a learner. Life constantly teaches us, and I’ve embraced this understanding with humility. I’m always open to new insights, new perspectives, and new ways to grow.

I kindly ask all of you to connect with me and share your advice on these two subjects—hospitality and Club Sixty. Your thoughts will help me grow, continue learning, and better serve people with passion and purpose.

Let’s join hands and make a difference!


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