We Have to fight Ourselves

BodhRaj Lamsal
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We Have to Fight Ourselves

By Bodh Raj Lamsal
19 December 2015

As I sit here reflecting on the many challenges life presents, one realization stands out more than any other: the toughest battle we ever fight is the one we wage against ourselves. This is not a battle with external forces, but a deeply personal struggle to overcome the limitations, fears, doubts, and habits that reside within us.

In a world full of distractions, pressures, and expectations, it’s easy to think that our biggest obstacles come from outside — from society, family, or circumstances. However, the real challenge lies in confronting our own thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors. It is this internal battle that determines whether we live a life of purpose or merely react to the world around us.

1. The Battle Against Fear

Fear is a powerful force that holds many people back. Whether it’s the fear of failure, the fear of judgment, or the fear of the unknown, it prevents us from taking risks and pursuing our dreams. The truth is, fear will always be present, but we must learn to confront it head-on. The more we allow fear to control our actions, the more we limit our potential.

I’ve learned through experience that overcoming fear isn’t about pretending it doesn’t exist. It’s about recognizing it, accepting it, and moving forward in spite of it. Every time you take a step toward your goal, even with fear by your side, you win a small victory in the battle against yourself.

2. Overcoming Self-Doubt

One of the greatest internal struggles we face is the fight against self-doubt. We are often our own harshest critics, constantly questioning our abilities and worth. This self-doubt can become paralyzing, preventing us from taking opportunities or striving for greatness.

In 2015, as I write this, I realize that doubt is natural. It’s human. But what matters is how we respond to it. Instead of letting doubt stop you, use it as a catalyst for growth. Believe in your potential, and remember that every person who has ever achieved greatness has faced moments of doubt. The difference lies in those who push past it and continue to pursue their dreams.

3. Conquering Bad Habits

Habits shape our lives, whether we realize it or not. Many of us are caught in the cycle of habits that no longer serve us — procrastination, laziness, or unhealthy routines. These habits often hold us back from achieving what we truly want.

The fight against these bad habits is one of the most important internal battles we can wage. Change is hard, but it is necessary if we want to grow. Start small. Replace one bad habit with a positive one, and soon you’ll find yourself on a path of self-improvement that will help you achieve more than you ever thought possible.

4. Challenging Limiting Beliefs

Throughout our lives, we form beliefs about ourselves and the world around us. Some of these beliefs are empowering, but others are limiting. These limiting beliefs tell us that we’re not good enough, not capable, or not deserving of success. They keep us from reaching our full potential and living a life of fulfillment.

To fight this, we must challenge those beliefs, question their validity, and replace them with empowering thoughts. Remind yourself that you are capable of achieving great things. Surround yourself with positivity, and actively work to change the narrative you tell yourself.

5. Pushing Beyond Comfort Zones

Growth happens outside of comfort zones. Yet, many of us spend our lives staying within the familiar, never venturing beyond what we know. While comfort may feel safe, it doesn’t lead to progress. To win the battle against yourself, you must push beyond your comfort zones.

Take that extra step. Do something that scares you. Whether it’s pursuing a new career, taking on a challenging project, or even facing a personal fear, stepping outside your comfort zone is where true growth and transformation happen.

6. Mastering Discipline

Discipline is perhaps the most important aspect of winning the battle against yourself. Self-discipline is the ability to do what needs to be done, even when you don’t feel like doing it. It’s the foundation of success in every area of life.

Whether it’s maintaining a healthy lifestyle, achieving career goals, or developing positive relationships, discipline is what keeps you on track when motivation fades. Discipline is the difference between dreaming about success and actually achieving it.

7. Becoming Your Best Self

Ultimately, the goal of fighting yourself isn’t just about overcoming challenges — it’s about becoming the best version of yourself. Every victory over fear, doubt, laziness, or limiting beliefs brings you one step closer to living a life of purpose and fulfillment.

This internal battle is ongoing. You will face it every day in small and large ways. But remember that every time you make a choice that aligns with your goals, dreams, and values, you’re winning that fight.

Conclusion: The Journey Within

As I write this in December 2015, I reflect on my own journey and the countless battles I’ve fought with myself along the way. I’ve learned that the greatest rewards come not from external achievements, but from the personal growth that happens when we conquer our inner struggles.

So, to all who read this, I encourage you to fight the battles within. It’s not easy, but it is worth it. The more you fight and overcome yourself, the more you’ll realize that your greatest competitor, your greatest challenge, and your greatest ally — is you.

Bodh Raj Lamsal
General Manager, Hospitality Industry
19 December 2015

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