विकास शान्ति नेताको नीतिमा होइन नियत बाट निस्कन्छ

बिकाश त जुनसुकै नीति लिए पनि हुदो रहेछ. चाहे राजा भन्नुहोस, चाहे रास्ट्रपति, चाहे तानासाह, वा अरु कुनै. खाडी मुलुक मा राजा को हुकुम चल्छ राम्रै बिकाश भएको छ. उत्तर कोरिया मा तनासहा को सरकार छ राम्रै बिकाश भएको छ छिमेकी चीन मा कम्युनिस्ट सरकार छ विकास भएकै छ. विकास त नेताको नीति बाट होइन नियत बाट निस्कने कुरा रहेछ. यो सबै बुझ्न झन्डै ३० बर्ष लाग्यो.

Monday, April 13, 2009

No servise orianted Punjab National Bank

Punjab National Bank, it is my bank. I use to make transaction. But I reached PNP, Rishikesh Laxaman jhula road at 6:20 pm. By that time around 15/20 customer were there. I filled up the deposit voucher and went to cashier. He told Bank is closed and suggest me come to tomorrow in rude behavior. I requested, I become late and he was shouting more than 2 minutes. I was just seeing him and smiling. One more person was there behind me, he game some amount with out feeling the deposit voucher. I surprised and asked casher bank has still open. Why you have not deposit my amount. He was telling that the person has come before me. I surprised he was behind me in line and how he came before me and the rude behavior of bank staff is very bad.

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