विकास शान्ति नेताको नीतिमा होइन नियत बाट निस्कन्छ

बिकाश त जुनसुकै नीति लिए पनि हुदो रहेछ. चाहे राजा भन्नुहोस, चाहे रास्ट्रपति, चाहे तानासाह, वा अरु कुनै. खाडी मुलुक मा राजा को हुकुम चल्छ राम्रै बिकाश भएको छ. उत्तर कोरिया मा तनासहा को सरकार छ राम्रै बिकाश भएको छ छिमेकी चीन मा कम्युनिस्ट सरकार छ विकास भएकै छ. विकास त नेताको नीति बाट होइन नियत बाट निस्कने कुरा रहेछ. यो सबै बुझ्न झन्डै ३० बर्ष लाग्यो.

Friday, January 23, 2009

23rd January 09

There was a regular meeting with my managers. I have regular morning work like to check finance status, staff status and the requirement. Snooker game was really helped me to be fresh. Oh today’s staff meeting was really useful. I was really happy to saw my satisfied staff. I was concentrating to my maintenance division. Oh ya there was some good seen, today. We received advance from Dayal Fertilizer company for the month of February 09.

With speaking to my Mom was fantastic. And even with my elder brother to Saudi Arebia.

The life has given by God but the choice has not given. The thought has given by God but the power to full fill the thought has not given. The love has given by God but lover has not given………………………………………………………………………… …………………… …………………. ………………………………..

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